We would not be able to provide services without our supporters! We would like to thank the following for their generous support in 2021:
- AMPT Chicago
- The Chicago Fund for Safe and Peaceful Communities
- Global Material Technologies Foundation
- Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority
- The IMC Foundation
- North Lawndale Athletic and Recreation Association
- Springboard Foundation
Premier IT Solutions has donated technological support for our website and email systems.
Sanabul Sports continues to provide gloves, mitts, and uniforms for our boxing program! They produce a wide range of high quality athletic and fight gear.
St. Anthony Hospital and Divvy/Lyft have sponsored our events.
Equiticity, the Lawndale Christian Fitness Center, Ride Illinois, Wheel & Sprocket, and Working Bikes have provided critical support for Bike Out Negativity and the Street Love Ride!
Other community partners include Open Books, the Lawndale Pop-Up Spot, St. Agatha Catholic Church, Stone Temple Baptist Church, the Chicago Youth Boxing Club, the Chicago Police Department, and so many more!
Stronger together.