It’s that time!

Boxing Out Negativity is starting to train youth as part of its summer program, and we need your support!

While our focus appears to be physical fitness, the realities of training run far deeper –

  • Stronger as a community.  Boxers go further in a supportive environment.  Youth are taught to correct and encourage one another during training.  There is no room for judgment.  We are stronger together!
  • Perseverance.  Training is not easy – it can be sweaty and uncomfortable – but, greatness doesn’t come from complacency.  Participants learn to push themselves as they discover their own strength.
  • Knowing the “why.”  Participants learn how the techniques of boxing will improve their performance – in other words, they don’t just learn the “what,” they are also prompted to reflect on the “why.”  Intentionality and critical thought are part of the program.

Boxing is about more than throwing (or dodging) a punch – these are just some of the many lessons from training.

We need your support as we advance the philosophy of “gloves, not guns” in Chicago this summer.  Donations are accepted via PayPal:  We are currently fundraising for USA Boxing registration (which allows participation in USA Boxing competitions) and to purchase uniforms and food for our youth.

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