Join us in 2022!

Boxing Out Negativity is excited for 2022!

Could it be starting any better? We already received news of a Community-Based Violence Intervention and Prevention Grant from the state of Illinois to support restorative justice-informed programming from February – June 2022.

We have an exciting calendar planned – in addition to our boxing and anti-violence programs we welcome the public to join us for our Bike Out Negativity celebration in May 2022 and our 3rd annual Street Love Ride in September. (Visit our “Summer Ride Series” for more information!)

There are also plans in the works for a winter fun ride in the lead-up to Christmas 2022, stay tuned for more information!

We can’t say enough about our supporters from 2021. We’ve been fortunate to have the support of IMC Chicago Charitable Foundation, Steans Family Foundation, Chicago Beyond, Sanabul, Sports, Wheel & Sprocket, Disparti Law Group, the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority, the GMT Charitable Foundation, and so many others. We’re grateful for the strong partnerships we hold with Working Bikes, Lawndale Christian Fitness Center, Open Books, Ride Illinois, the Lawndale Pop-Up Spot, Divvy/Lyft, Equiticity, Chicago’s Safe Ambassadors, St. Agatha Church … the list goes on.

With progress and partnerships like this, we can’t wait to see what the next year holds. The fight for peace in Chicago continues – let’s do this thing!

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