The spread of covid-19 has stood in the way of business-as-usual, but what boxer can’t withstand a few punches?
In accordance with state and local regulations, we have suspended our usual training and there may not be any boxing competitions this season. But, we continue to engage our team virtually through video calls, texts, and recorded workouts (with real-time video workouts in the works) and we have embraced bike rides to keep active and socially connected while maintaining safe distances. We appreciate Working Bikes for maintaining safe operations and helping to keep our “bike fleet” in working order (and for all they do for the local and global communities!), and the North Lawndale Athletic and Recreation Association for their support of our summer programming.
We have also been grateful to partner with UCAN to help distribute food from their community partners to residents of Chicago’s West side.
We continue to plan our large scale summer events with the support of a Chicago Fund for Safe and Peaceful Communities grant made possible by the Partnership for a Safe and Peaceful Communities. We expect our community bike rides to continue with proper distancing and other precautionary measures, while our other celebrations – Our 4th of July “Gloves not Guns” Event and a Labor Day Back to School Celebration and Giveaway – will be adjusted to the circumstances. Stay tuned for a summer calendar and other announcements about these events!