It’s no secret that 2020 has kept the punches coming! More than 700 Chicagoans have lost their lives to violence. The city has witnessed a renewed era of tensions and unrest and we all remain under a pandemic.
Your support has been vital in our ability to rise to these challenges. From the cherished memories of team meals and gatherings pre-covid, to our outdoor summer bike rides, workouts, and events, back-to-school giveaways, the distribution of thousands of boxes of food, and small-group programming since the onset of the pandemic, our work this year would not have been possible without the contributions of so many donors, community partners, and volunteers.
We ask that you keep us in mind as we enter this holiday season. No gift is too small – We remain an all-volunteer organization and every contribution has a direct impact on the services and experiences that we are able to offer to our youth.
If you have been positively impacted by our work, whether through our youth programming our community events (shout out to those who attended the Street Love Ride!), please share your story with your networks along with the below links for those who are moved to contribute.
We’re all in this together. Much gratitude for all those who continue to show their support in so many ways, and, from our family to yours, much love to all as we enter this holiday season!
To Donate:…/boxing-out-negativity-inc
To Register for Future Volunteer Opportunities: